gay dads shut down adoption discrimination in CA

Congratulations to Rich and Michael Butler of San Jose, California!
With the help of the National Center for Lesbian Rights, the Butlers just
settled a case against and for
their anti-gay practices.

In 2004, the Butlers were looking to adopt. They tried to post
profiles on these two websites, which match prospective parents
with adoptable children. Rich and Michael were denied access to
these sites because they are gay. They sued, and after
and lost the initial court battle, they agreed
to settle.

Now and have a choice. They can
either offer their services to all Californians or stop doing
business in the state. The message here is clear: All children
deserve loving, permanent homes. And all qualified adults should be
given the opportunity to provide them.

Leave a comment for Rich and Michael. Congratulate them on their
success. And share with us how you’ve faced discrimination in
creating your family. Did you fight it? What’d you do?

The stories of your challenges and how you overcame them inspire
your fellow LGBTQ parents. And they give us new thoughts and
strategies in the fight for family equality.

So share! Share for a better world!