Shout it from the rooftops?

As Thanksgiving is getting closer, I’ve started making phone
calls with the mom and dad about plans for our turkey eating
festivities. I’ll be spending the weekend of Thanksgiving in
Northern Maine with my mother’s side of the family. I’m wicked
excited, but to be honest, a little nervous. I haven’t seen a lot
of this side of the family since I’ve graduated from college and
become an “adult”—so most of them don’t really understand
what I do for a living. I love them all to death, but most of them
don’t really understand the true meaning of what it is to be gay.
I have begun to envision how the weekend could go….like one of
those ‘choose your own ending’ books….

OPTION ONE: I can gloss over what I really do so as to appease
everyone’s discomfort with the topic of being gay. When asked
‘how my job is’ (that expected question that all post-grads
get) I can say that it’s fantastic because I’m helping all
families fight for equal rights. I can also talk lots about how I
went to Palm Springs for ‘Families in the Desert’ and that
I’m looking forward to Family Week. I can elaborate on my fun and
passionate co-workers and end with my dreams to see a world where
all families are loved and respected on the same level.


OPTION TWO: I can be real about what I do and not candy-coat
anything for anyone. When asked ‘how my job is’ I can say that
it’s truly amazing because I am helping gay, lesbian, bisexual,
and transgendered parents and their children attain family
equality. And for those cousins who don’t really understand that
mom is a lesbian, I’d go into full and total detail of the reason
WHY I am working for the Family Equality Council. Yes, it’s a
fabulous organization that does great things. Yes, I feel it is our
duty as Americans to fight for full equality for all people at all
times. But ultimately, I am here because my mother is a lesbian and
I think she did a great job and I’m tired of our country treating
people ‘like her’ in a manner that suggests she couldn’t do
the job she did. And if I can’t be open about this work with my
family, I feel that I’m doing an injustice to the work I do. But
I also don’t want to offend my family or make my mother
uncomfortable….. What would you choose?!