Dr. King’s Legacy

Monday we will observe Dr. Martin Luther King’s birthday. This
holiday has always had a strong impact on me. Dr. King’s
determination and spirit are things we should all aspire to

I have heard a lot people my age – those who were not alive
during the struggle and resistance of the 1960s – speak
passionately about the era, implying that they would have taken
part in the fight for justice. They too would have stood strong in
the face of adversity and physical confrontation, they say. They
too would be able to take some credit today for the obstacles
overcome back then.

But it’s easier to talk about resistance than it is to resist.
And it’s difficult to stay focused on an objective when the
battle is so hard to win. The obstacles have kept coming and the
need for people to stand up for justice in a number of areas

This Monday, instead of just taking the day to run errands or
relax, do something that truly commemorates Dr. King’s legacy.
Volunteer. Get involved with a cause. Help make a positive

Your time is a valuable resource.
Volunteer at a local homeless shelter or hospital and make an
impact with your presence. Visit www.mlkday.gov  for more ideas on how
to make MLK’s birthday a day of service.

Take a step further.
Educate yourself and become an ally in another community’s
struggle for equality. Learn about the Workers of Immokalee, Florida, and the
difficult struggle of today’s farm workers. Or learn about the
VDay Campaign and how you can
help end violence against women worldwide. It is only through unity
that we will find our strength.

Celebrate Martin Luther King’s birthday this year with a purpose.