Rainbow Sprinkles

Our staff person in charge of parents’ groups, Julia Bean, found
this great album of children’s songs that are about LGBTQ families.
We’ve been playing the songs in the office and I wanted to pass
along our recent discovery.

The album is titled Rainbow Sprinkles and includes staff favorites
like, “What’s Right For You,” “Double Dads,” and “Different
Families,” that incorporate lyrics about non-heteronormative family
constellations in fun and up-beat children’s songs.

Suzi Nash, the woman responsible for the album produced it for her
young extended family members. “As a lesbian Aunt, watching the
way my nieces and nephews responded to their favorite music, I
couldn’t help but think that if I were a kid with two mommies or
dad’s, the songs about the farmer and his wife would not be
something I could relate to.”

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