Team Equality Spotlight: David Jacques

What is your role at Family Equality

I maintain, update and expand Family Equality Council’s website and
exciting online initiatives. In addition, I do the graphic design
work for publications, program books, invitations, print media ads,

Why is family equality important to

The injustices that LGBT families face are too great to ignore.
I’ve heard too many stories and seen too many tears to disregard
the challenges that LGBT families face in this country. I know that
I need to do what I can to push this movement for family equality

I’d like my children (once I decide to expand my family!) to grow
up in a more equal, more loving world. I’m committed to making that
world a reality. My work at Family Equality Council supports that

Strangest Family Equality Council

Definitely camping outside the White House on the Ellipse waiting
for tickets to the annual Easter Egg Roll. It was March in Washington,
DC, and, as if things weren’t already strange enough, we woke up to
discover the entire city blanketed in snow. The things we do for
family equality!

Favorite part of being on the Family Equality Council

Definitely the people! Whether it’s working with my wonderful,
brilliant team members or seeing the smiling faces of your
beautiful families, I am so grateful for the people I’ve met along
the way.

Proudest achievement?

The Kevin Bacon Challenge. More than 1,000 Family Equality Council
supporters donated $30,000 so that we could win a $10,000 matching
grant from Kevin Bacon. It was an amazing, inspiring experience.
The power of our community is truly astounding.