Cynthia Nixon, Featured Guest at Tonight’s National Awards Dinner

The Family Equality Council is thrilled to have Cynthia Nixon,
lesbian mom and star of Sex and the City, join us at our
National Awards Dinner tonight!

What better day to honor LGBT families and the work
we do together through Family Equality Council than October 11,
National Coming Out Day?

Being out and proud as an LGBT parent is one of the
best things you can do to move family equality forward. We
especially applaud notables and celebrities who often put their
careers on the line to make a difference by being out.

Cynthia has been particularly OUTSpoken of late, traveling to Florida to campaign
for Sen. Obama and against Florida’s marriage ban, Amendment
. Check out the New York Blade article about Cynthia’s trip.
And stay tuned for highlights and updates from this year’s National
Awards Dinner, where we’re proud to honor HBO and the Pop Luck
Club, a Los Angeles gay dads group, for all they’ve done to advance
family equality nationwide.